Double Racing SupportTeam
Double Racing® events are directed by runners for runners. Each are produced by the Double Road Race Federaton (DRRF). The Double Road Race® is a registered trademark (#85757593) owned by the DRRF. The trademark and the concept of the Double, including but not limited to: combining the times, the halftime featuring the Recovery Zone, the Yellow Jersey concept, and the age-graded grand champion are owned by the DRRF. The DRRF's Double Producer or independent contractors in good standing are granted the rights to use our trademark and event concept, otherwise no one has the rights to use our trademark or concept for events.
The DRRF is governed by an active board of directors who work closely with our staff and Double race directors in shaping the sport of Double Road Racing.
The DRRF is looking for Double Producers around the world. If you have the financial means and the ability to be a Double Producer, click here for more information.
Double Road Race Federation Staff Bob Anderson, Executive Producer Double Road Race Federation Board of Directors Bob Anderson, Chairman & Founder Double Racing Producers/Directors* Bob Andreson, Northern California |
You can be a Double Producer!
If you are a runner and feel you have the ability to be a Double Producer, we want to hear from you. We have set up a program just for you. For additional information and to apply go to:
Use the form below to contact the
Double Road Race Federation
Double Road Race Federation (DRRF), Post Office Box 3121, Los Altos, California 94024
Shipping address: 1931A Old Middlefield Way, Mountain View, CA 94043
Our Sister Websites: Ujena Fit Club, Best Road Races